Here, appearances are everything and everything else is meaningless. Welcome to the world of filters. Social media is still known for encouraging and glorifying vanity, from boosting your ego to making others (including yourself) feel bad, despite the fact that there are many exceptions.
But sometimes, even Instagram can’t handle it. As you can see, some individuals alter and airbrush their photos beyond what is considered appropriate, which leads to, well, a distortion of reality. The “Instagram Reality” forum exposes these cases by posting images of influencers who are going too far with their editing.
Pull your seat closer as we’ve chosen a few of the community’s most recent posts below. When you’re finished, don’t forget to look at our earlier Instagram vs.
#1 I Love This

#2 Why Would Someone Do This? The Original Is Stunning Already

#3 Not Even Judas Was As Treacherous As That Mirror….

We must examine the other culture that gave rise to influencers as we know them now in order to comprehend social media and the influencers that go above and beyond to stand out, grow their following, and promote their brand. It’s also a culture of celebrities. Both have an unquenchable desire for an idealized image, but they also have to provide viewers with something of value and intrigue.
Claire Sisco King, the Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Vanderbilt University, was contacted by kenista and gladly provided some fascinating insights into the extravagant world of influencers and celebrities.
#4 I Forgot What She Really Looked Like

#5 Found On A Dating App

#6 She is the greatest. She uploaded all of these pictures to her Instagram feed or story! She is charming, self-assured, and humorous.

Since the early 20th century, celebrity culture has played a big role in American popular media. King informed us that the Hollywood star system was largely responsible for its inception. Film studios had a system in place by the 1920s for creating pictures of stars, including their names, attire, and the kinds of parts they did. In order to develop these pictures and familiarize viewers with the stars, the studios turned to their own promotional departments and fan magazines, which encouraged fan connection to the stars, she noted.
#7 Don’t Be Afraid To Age Folks

#8 The Power Of Filters – It Doesn’t Always Have To Be That Noticeable

#9 Flexxing On Some Totally Real Muscles

As it turns out, “the majority of this publicity remained largely positive for decades because it was heavily controlled by the film studios, offering highly calculated views of celebrities’ personalities and private lives.”
However, King claimed that by the middle of the 20th century, everything had altered with the introduction of tabloids, including magazines and radio programs. At that point, there was a rise in interest in rumors and the more obscene parts of celebrities’ private life. “At the same time, celebrities have become reliant on the gossip industry because it generates audience interest and fascination,” the professor stated, adding that “often this coverage was out of celebrity control.”
#10 Another One

#11 Shame On The News Outlet Who Photoshopped The Left Picture

#12 Found This One While Browsing A Dating App

Expectations regarding access to celebrities skyrocketed in the early 2000s, largely due to reality television and the internet.
#13 His Jawline Is Definitely 100% Real, No Editing

#14 Can you imagine how shocked you will be the first time you see her without all of that editing, makeup, and filters?

#15 She Says She Doesn’t Edit Her Pictures

The internet advanced, audiences had countless opportunities to learn more about celebrities, which compelled media companies to produce ever-increasing amounts of content about them.” King contends that during this time, blogs and websites devoted to celebrity devotion and/or gossip proliferated.
#16 At First The Terrifying Bird Feet Got Me But The Longer You Stare…the Worse It Gets

#17 Her Poor Friend

#18 How Is This Even Legal?

All of these expectations regarding intimacy and access to celebrities were greatly heightened with the emergence of social media. ” King clarified, “The glimpses that audiences see are highly curated and carefully crafted, but they seem to give fans a ‘authentic’ idea of who celebrities are.”
#19 Same Day. Insta vs. Pap Picture

#20 At Least She’s Self Aware…?

#21 When You Have A Friend Who Edits The Whole Group

#22 Is It Just Me Or Does His Head Look Way Too Small?

#23 She Got Called Out For Using Heavy Filters And Her Response Was Interesting

#24 She Adamantly Denies Filtering Her Pics On Every Post

#25 She Uses The Teen Filter So Much, She Has Convinced Herself That She Looks Like This

#26 Posted As Part Of A Massive Clothing Campaign…how Could Such A Big Label Not Have Enough Money For Decent Editing? She Has Slender Man Fingers!

#27 She Is 81 Guys … I Don’t Know What To Say



#28 Press Photo

#29 Instagram Posts

#30 When You Can’t Control The Photoshop

#31 This Gal Is Acting As If We Don’t Know What She Actually Looks Like

#32 What She Posts On Ig vs. What The Paparazzi Took

#33 How To Recognize Body Filters In Videos

#34 Completely Unrecognizable!